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June Everett

The Thanksgiving that was!

One mom we met at Backpack Society (BPS) when she came to pick up her full turkey dinner told us, with emotion welling in her voice, that her family wasn't going to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. They just didn't have the means. Then, she heard about BPS's Thanksgiving Meal Box Pick-up. Now, TURKEY'S ON!!

BPS distributed 130 turkey dinners complete with all the trimmings (and dozens of weekly family meals) over a few hours on a crisp, fall Saturday. This amazing event, however, was the culmination of hundreds of hours of coordination by BPS staff, the many families and community partners who donated food, volunteers who packed boxes, and people like you and me who donated money to BPS.

Laurel and June and their ever-present smiles!

Now that turkey dinners have been distributed, we're going to enjoy some downtime relaxing with family and friends. We hope you all will, too. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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